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Love is a very complicated feeling. You can love many people at the same time and still have room in your heart for more. You can also love a person so much, you would give your life to save his if it came down to that. Love can grow, but it also can die if it is not tended to and cherished as it is meant to be. Love can break you and leave you crying like a small child, but love can give you joy, more joy than any one heart can hold. You know this when you have birthed a child and it is placed in your arms. You know it when you look down at little eyes that stare back at you, when tiny fingers grasp your big finger and holds it tight, when an infant finally smiles at you or laughs, or when he speaks his first word, or learns to walk, and you know when he looks up with a radiant face and says, “love mama.” My  most joyful times were watching my son sleep when he was a small child.

Found on Pinterest on 3-2-15.

Found on Pinterest on 3-2-15.

Love is when you love another person and you want to spend your life with him/her. You learn to express your thoughts and feelings, to make goals together, to fight fair, to be there for one another through the good times and the bad. You want to make the other person happy and you find ways to show your appreciation. You also learn to give in ways you never thought you could learn to give. And when the unexpected happens, and the relationship is over, you learn how to go on, but love still exists inside you for the person you really loved and you want the best for him or her. 

There is also the love you feel for the special people who have touched your heart and who have given you laughter, inspiration, and joy. People you call friends, or mentors, or you’ve fought in a war together, or people who have listened to your stories, your values, and your dreams. They are the ones who know you, who stick with you through the good times and the bad. They tell you truths you’d rather not know, but they also help you grow in ways you never believed was possible. They are the ones who support you and give you courage to try new things or difficult things. Without them, your life would feel barren and less interesting.

Love also exists for the strangers you lock eyes with in compassion. The ones you feel compelled to say, ” hi” to or “can I help you.” The ones that remind you of your own humanity. You give to them, not out of pity, but because you know if circumstances had been different, you could be him.

There is the love that exists between God’s spirit and yours. You often struggle to understand why He does what He does or allows it to happen. There are times when you feel overwhelmed by love and joy for God. But there are also times you are angry with Him. When your relationship with God is good, you experience a sweet kind of peace. Prayer can bring you closer to Him. Love is indeed complicated.

Found on Google+. 3-17-15. Wonderfall-world-waterfalls-of-Plitvice-lakes-in-croatia.

Found on Google+. 3-17-15. Wonderfall-world-waterfalls-of-Plitvice-lakes-in-croatia.
