Developing Gratitude.


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"Bless this day and all it brings"
Has been the very hardest thing
For me to say when life goes wrong,
And I am weak instead of strong.

I try to keep my head on straight
When I know I have to wait;
But wasting time seems like a sin,
And i could miss "what might have been."

I need to pause to realize
That good, at times, comes in disguise.
Waiting gives me time to grow,
For there is much I need to know.

I must learn to cope with strife
And follow the flow of Life;
To fight the battles I must win;
And rid the negative within.

If I could learn to see the good
And bless each day,I surely would;
But being human I will try
To trust God more and not ask "why."

"For she who teaches me."

Celebrating Mothers Everywhere


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Through the years Mother’s Day has been celebrated as a day to

show respect, honor, and appreciation for those who have taken

care of us and have loved us through the difficult times and the

good times, and who have taught us how to deal with the hardships

in life.

Mothers have been a source of knowledge, a reservoir of love

and forgiveness, and a protector to those in need of protection.

They feel a connection to those they care about. Mothers can be

tender, sympathetic, nurturing, protective, and kind. They are the

very foundation of society.

Some of us did not have nurturing, caring, and protective mothers.

Mother’s Day can be full of turbulent emotions when children have

been neglected. They often carry the wound of that for a very long time.

Yet, neglect can be overcome, life can get better, and hope can grow in

the hearts of those whose mothers were emotionally unavailable.

There are unsung angels among us. Mothers who are not biologically

connected to those they care for, yet they take the time for those in need.

They choose to be emotionally available, nurturing, and supportive to

those who need a mother’s touch. Sometimes they give for a moment

in time: a sympathetic glance, a warm smile, or words of encouragement

to another who needs such kindness.

Some women offer to teach others to cook or give them tips

for parenting a child. There are times when women help us in our

spiritual journeys and they bring us closer to God.

If we can learn that we all need nurturing, protecting, and guidance

from other women to survive well in this world, perhaps we will find the

courage to step up to the plate and do our part to help transform our world

into a place of acceptance and safety. Happy Mother’s Day

to those strong women who reach out and give freely to those in need

of a mother’s love.


Giving The Gift Of Nature


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A little girl with curly blonde hair
Played in the meadow where the wild-flowers grew.
She touched each bloom with a trembling hand
And she picked some flowers for you.

She wanted to give you the curve of a petal
And the smell of a rambling rose,
The feel of rough bark on an old oak tree,
And the scent of the rain in your nose.

She wanted to capture the sound of a bird
Singing his song in the spring.
She'd give you the bluest sky she could find
And let your spirit take wing.

She wanted to give you a gift to cherish
And hold in your heart for a while.
There is nothing like nature to fill you with wonder 
And cause your eyes to smile.


A Mother’s Gift Of Resilience


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Two children came and sat outside
In the warm summer breezes.
They missed their Mother who had died.
Their hearts felt torn to pieces.

They wanted to honor the life she led,
For she loved her children dearly.
She would give a stranger a loaf of bread,
And she loved her God sincerely.

She would laugh and dance in the light of the moon,
And she sang like an angel from heaven.
She taught them to play an instrument
Although they were eight and eleven. 

Her children mastered the violin,
And she taught them right from the start:
"Music could touch the soul within
And soothe a grieving heart."

They went down to the creek that day, 
And they sat and drew their bows.
They smiled as the music became a dance
And they left their Mother a rose.

For she had given them a priceless skill
To deal with the losses ahead.
They came to love the music they made
And remembered the words she said..



Found on Facebook on 11-13-17,

sacred spirit.

Found on Pinterest on 4-24-16. The violinist (Shelbi) lynnA.



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Love is like the soft touch
Of a gentle rain.
It soothes the hurting soul
And removes the pain.

Love is like the sweet sound
Of a baby's laugh.
It stays when losses come
And cuts sorrow in half.

Love is like a small stream
That helps flowers grow.
It keeps the soul alive
When the cold wind blows.

Love is like an oak tree
Whose roots go deep.
Its' strength keeps it standing
Even when it weeps.

Love goes on forever
When the heart is fed
On a regular basis as
Faith raises its head.


Changes In Life.


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My life was filled with hope and joy,
Each day a new adventure.
I squandered moments in time
With endless days of pleasure.

I was convinced that I could live
Day by day forever
And I would taste of sweet success
With all of my endeavors.

My strength was once incredible,
And my energy unending,
But old age caught up to me,
And a Pandemic sent me reeling.

All the things that anchored me
Were suddenly torn asunder.
I lost a friend, became quite ill,
And I saw my Country plundered.

My faith in God had disappeared,
And my hope for a better tomorrow
Had crash-landed here on earth,
And I was filled with sorrow.

The last two years I've walked with death
And stayed in isolation.
The world's been turned upside down,
And I'm often filled with frustration.

It's hard to tell what is the truth
And what is a clever lie.
Misinformation flows like oil,
But real facts are hard to deny.

There are many changes as I grow older
And losses I have to accept.
There are techniques and skills I need to learn
So I'll become more adept.

I have been given gifts through the years
That I cherish deep in my heart.
Yet, when I am dealt with repetitive losses,
True acceptance becomes an art.


Opposites In Life.


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The world is full of opposites
despite what some believe.
With every day of joy we have,
are days when we grieve.

We walk up a flight of stairs
and then we climb down.
Some days we may smile a lot,
and some days we frown.

We say we hate our enemies
and love our dearest friends. 
We resent those we dislike;
With friends, we make amends.

Most often opposites attract,
yet, sometimes they repel.
Both exist here on earth. 
We must remain tranquil.


My Dog Fuzzy.


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Scanned by Yu/stan/Kema on 2-18-16. Personal photograph.
I had a fuzzy little dog
With golden, brownish hair.
He ran with me across the yard,
His nose up in the air.

His body shook with ecstasy
Each time he smelled some food. 
He hunted down and gobbled up
Good meat with gratitude.

His ruff was thick around his head,
And it was white as snow.
And everywhere I tried to walk,
He was sure to go.

His brown eyes sparkled in the sun.
His tongue was long and pink.
He smiled when we were having fun.
One time I saw him wink.

He'd lay beside me in the grass,
His head upon my knee.
The joy we shared was multiplied
 When he would laugh at me.

He is deceased, but still I think
Of him when he would lay
And look at me with soft brown eyes.
I miss him every day.


A Poem For Boys


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He ran down a crooked path, 
Across a crooked snake.
It's fangs barely missed him.
I was glad for his sake.

He drove to the bayou
For an alligator's hide.
It opened up it's mouth 
And pulled him inside.

It's rows of teeth were scarey
And the smell he could not bear.
It belched him out completely
Into the cold, moist air.

I think he learned a lesson,
To follow straight paths instead.
And avoid all alligators
And be careful where he treads.



The Gift From God


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Found on Pinterest on 3-9-16. Christ in the air.
It is the time for Christmas
For we smell the Christmas trees
And see the Holly's red berries
Wrapped around the wreaths.

The weather has turned colder
And snow is in the air.
There is a spirit of giving
Found in hearts everywhere.

The sound of Christmas carols
Makes our spirits bright.
We celebrate the Christ child
Who reflects God's light.

God gives to us His Son,
A gift that sets us free
From death so we can live
For all eternity.
